Xiao-Feng-San Improves Eczema

Atopic dermatitis–more commonly known as eczema–is inflammation of the skin. It is often characterized by itchiness, red patches, or cracked skin. Common treatments include over-the-counter topical steroid creams and oral antihistamines. If these fail, stronger medications such as oral steroids and immunomodulators may be used. However, Traditional Chinese Medicine has recommended the herbal treatment of Xiao-Feng-San (XFS) for skin issues.

Cheng et al. concluded that XFS can be a possible alternative treatment for eczema, especially since no side effects were reported by patients in this trial. The only complaint about XFS was its unpleasant taste. XFS includes the following herbs: Rehmannia Root, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Herba Schizonepetae, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Sesami Semen, Caulis Clematidis Armandii, Herba Menthae, Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Fructus Arctii, Radix Glycyrrhize, and Radix Sophorae Flavescentis.

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