Potent Pomegranate

Cracking open a pomegranate and plucking out the tiny, juicy, and nutritious seeds can turn into a crimson mess. The benefits you reap from chowing down on the pomegranate seeds however, is well worth the mess. Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants; three times as many antioxidants than both green tea and red wine (1) combined! In addition to antioxidants, this tart fruit also is great for heart related ailments, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and stomach disorders.(1) Pomegranates can be consumed in many forms other than from eating the seeds themselves. The other forms include juice, nectar, syrup, concentrate, or a supplement.

Here at Acupuncture Atlanta we sell, Pomexcellent by Health Concerns. This product is simply pomegranate fruit extract in an encapsulated form. Pomexcellent provides a plethora of antioxidants and supports normal cardiovascular function. It contains a large amount of punicalagins, which is an antioxidant found in pomegranates. Pomexcellent is fantastic because it contains more punicalagins than pomegranate juices and ready made products, without the sugar, carbohydrates, or excess calories. Taking 1-2 tablets a day, which is 200 mg, is recommended as that is the equivalent to roughly 8oz of pomegranate juice.

1. Organic Facts (2017). 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Pomegranate. Retrieved from: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit/health-benefits-of-pomegranate.html