Po Sum On Oil

Po Sum On oil is a medicinal topical oil that’s best for muscle sprains, bruises, back pain, and muscle strain. While muscle ‘sprain’ and ‘strain’ sound similar, there’s a key difference. A sprain is associated with tearing of ligaments, while a strain is associated with tearing of a tendon. Furthermore, we carry Po Sum On oil by Solstice Medicine Company. It contains the following ingredients: Baikal skullcap root, Chinese licorice root, cinnamon oil, dragon’s blood resin, peppermint oil, and menthol. Baikal skullcap root is an herb that’s been used for more than 2,000 years medicinally.1 It’s incorporated in po sum on due to its anti-inflammatory properties as well as its efficacy in providing arthritis relief.1 Chinese licorice root similar to Baikal skullcap, relieves arthritis. It’s also great for treating muscle cramps.2 Cinnamon oil’s role in po sum on includes removing the stiffness of the muscles and joints.3 Dragon’s blood resin is used to dye the oil a rich, dark amber color.

Since po sum on smells incredible, it can be used as a massage oil as well. And it opens up sinuses too! The amazing and super fragrant aroma in this beneficial medicinal oil is due to the ingredients peppermint oil and menthol. Try applying some po sum on for uncomfortable sprains or even a light massage on the neck for mild neck tension.

1. The Herbal Resource (2017) Chinese Skullcap-Health Benefits and Side Effects. Retrieved from: https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/chinese-skullcap.html
2. Herbs List (2011) Chinese Licorice Root. Retrieved from: http://www.herbslist.net/chinese-licorice-root.html
3. Organic Facts (2017) 18 Amazing Benefits of Cinnamon & Its Oil. Retrieved from: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/essential-oils/health-benefits-of-cinnamon-oil.html